
Introduction. Local communities as a social institu- tion are not only a form of population’s self-organ- izing, but also an important element of the local government system. The role of local communities’ activism is currently particularly relevant due to providing a legislative framework for the possibility of residents’ participation in distributing part of the municipality budget — initiative budgeting (Article 26.1 of Federal Law No. 131-FZ). A new impetus to the development of civic participation in solving local problems was also given at a meeting of the Council for the Development of Local Self- Government under the President of the Russian Federation in 2020—2021. It became obvious that in modern Russia it is necessary to strengthen educational activities among citizens in order to increase their legal literacy, disseminate relevant knowledge in the field of social design, and explain the available forms. The purpose of the article is to study the prob- lem of organizing local communities in order to increase citizens’ social activity and municipal ter- ritories development. Methods. The authors summarize the current theo- retical and practical experience of the local com- munities’ development in the Chelyabinsk region. The basis of the study is a structural and functional approach, as well as such a qualitative method as included observation, used when the authors of the article performed the functions of moderators and trainers-consultants of initiative groups of citizens in the Chelyabinsk region. Scientific novelty of the study. The article shows the role of local communities as a self-organizing entity and an equal partner in the system of local self-government, actively involved in solving issues of local importance, and also presents the results of the project “Local communities — a driver of ter- ritorial development”. The purpose of the project is to promote the activ- ity of civil society, the development of municipal democracy, and the dissemination of relevant knowledge about public self-government. Results. The authors prove that the development of citizens’ knowledge, skills and abilities in the areas of solving local issues, the basics of social design, initiative budgeting, attracting additional funding by participating in competitions for grants and subsidies, voluntary donations is not only an effective way to involve citizens in territorial and local self-government, but also a “driver” of territo- rial development. The materials prepared during implementing the project “Local communities — the driver of territorial development” can be used as a sample and a guide for novice managers of local communities. Conclusions. The implementation of the project “Lo- cal Communities — the driver of territorial develop- ment” contributes to stimulating public activity, creating conditions for improving the effectiveness of interaction between citizens and public authori- ties, creating associations of residents, establishing partnerships for the implementation of joint pro- jects, strengthens the potential social base of CBT.

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