
The article is devoted to the understanding of the legislative and applied issues of informing as a form of social dialogue in Ukraine. Using the comparative method of researching the legislative norms on information and social dialogue, it is concluded that the general principles for the realization of the right to information and state guarantees in the field of information relations also apply to the legal relations of social dialogue. It is argued that the legislative term «information exchange» does not always meaningfully correspond to the actions that the parties of a social dialogue perform, therefore it is proposed to change the name of the form of social dialogue to «informing the parties to social dialogue». Based on the analysis of the norms concerning trade unions, employers' organizations, as well as social dialogue, two types of informing the social dialogues parties are distinguished: 1) at the request of the other party or independently on the basis of the legislative norms; 2) mutual informing of the parties (information exchange). Simultaneously, they can act both as an independent form of social dialogue realization and as the elements in other consultations or conducting collective negotiations. The necessity of eliminating legislative conflicts contained in the Laws of Ukraine «On trade unions, their rights and guarantees of activity», «On the organizations of employers, their associations, rights and guarantees of their activity», «On social dialogue in Ukraine» is proved. In particular, it is proposed to consolidate the right of the employer (outside of membership in an employers' organization) as a subject of legal relations of social dialogue at the local level to participate in the informing procedure under the legislation on social dialogue (mandatory persons, deadlines for providing information, etc.). The author also proves the need to legally detail the content and scope of information that may be the subject of informing upon request, demand or during the procedure for mutual informing the parties of social dialogue in accordance with the standards of ILO Recommendation No. 129 (communications between the administration and workers in the enterprise) and Directive 2002 / 14 /EU (on the establishment of general rules for informing and consulting employees of the European Community). Based on the analysis of the norms of collective agreements and contracts, it is concluded that the parties to social dialogue only prescribe their rights and obligations to inform, without detailing the procedure. Therefore, they do not use the legislative norm on the possibility of contractual regulation of these procedures.

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