
LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in Chinese; abstract also in English.
 唐文明教授以〈承認理論的創造論回歸〉為題,批判了近現代以黑格爾(Hegel)和霍耐特(Axe lHonneth)為首的承認理論,指出其核心缺失在於僅僅將人視為關注必死性的欲望主體,從而無法實現人與人,人與世界的根本承認。唐教授代之以創造論的承認理論:通過解讀奧古斯丁(Saint Augustine)的思想,提出了應該將人視為重視降生性的感應主體。唐教授並指出,重視天地創生的儒家思想,其人倫體系恰恰是建基於這樣一種重視降生性的感應主體。通過感應主體對創造源頭(上帝,或者上天)的感恩和體認,人與人,人與世界之間才可能有根本且不可缺失的承認。(撮要取自內文首段)
 In his paper, Tang Wenming notes that a fundamental flaw of modern recognition theories is seeing human beings as being a desire subject. Tang suggests that a recognition theory based on protology, which recognizes God's genesis of human beings and the world, has a much better prospect of realizing fundamental recognition. In this response, discuss two concerns with Tang's proposal: the essentially contested nature of religious faith in modern societies, and the unequal relationship between God and human beings. I also suggest that Confucian ethics can be interpreted to emphasize the equal participation of Heaven and humans, which consequently underpins an alternative understanding of Confucian recognition theory.

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