
白坭–沙湾断裂是一条贯穿珠江三角洲中心部位的北西向大断裂。它北起花都白坭,向南经南海区官窖、松岗、大沥、顺德平洲、陈村至番禺沙湾,沿洪奇沥水道没入伶仃洋。该断裂带的展布及其活动性是影响珠江三角洲中部区域稳定性的重要不利因素。本文通过调查断裂带展布位置、露头特征等,对其整体活动性进行了初步分析评价。晚第四纪以来,此断裂主要以高角度正断方式活动,断裂最新一次较强烈活动的时间可能发生于距今10~20 ka之间。 Baini-shawan fault zone is an important NW trending fault across central area of Pearl River delta. It starts from Baini town of Huadu city in the north, extends southward across Guanyao, Songgang and Dali in Nanhai, and then across Pingzhou, Chencun in Shunde, Shanwan in Panyu area, ends in hongqili River channel within Lingdingyang bay. The fault and its activity become a negative factor of regional crust stability within central Pearl River delta area. Based on a large amount of available data, this paper uncovered outcrop features of Baini-shawan fault, studied the structural feature and the activities of the fault. Since late Quaternary, it faulted mainly as normal faults with steep fracture planes, the latest faulting event might happen probably during 10 - 20 ka B.P.

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