
The object of abcomprehensive interdisciplinary research (Sociology, Economics, History, Psychology, Pedagogy, Management, Law, etc.) is about study the problems of social adaptation and functioning of various professional groups in the process of modernizing the social structure of Russian society and impact of social processes on their viability. The relevance of the research is due to the rapidly changing and increasingly complex processes of forming the professional structure of Russian society under the influence of external factors (instability of the world socio-political systems, the crisis of the world economy, the prospects for resolving contradictions between global and national ways of development of States, Informatization and digitalization of social communications, the increase in conflicts of interests between subjects of the labor process) and internal factors (features of the modern national labor market, disproportionality of the distribution of productive forces on the territory of Russia, demographic problems; changes in the motivational vector of the choice of professional trajectory of young people, ineffective reform of the system of secondary and higher education). The work carried out in 2019 is devoted to the study of changes in status positions and the implementation of cultural, political and educational capital by representatives of the engineering, pedagogical, medical community, environmentalists and online specialists in the context of changes in the social structure of abmodernizing society. The most significant areas of activity were: assessment of the quality and prospective role of engineering education as abtechnological basis for the effectiveness of modernization processes in the economy; considering proforientation events as part of government policy in abperspective of staffing modernization processes; analysis of the role of Informatization of computerization and digitalization as the realities of the developing information society, shaping new relations of production and specifics of communication in society at all stages of formation or extinction of occupational groups. The results of the research deserve the attention of specialists who study the social structure of society, can be useful for preparing abcourse of lectures on the sociology of professions and professional groups, as well as for managers at various levels involved in education, labor relations and information technology.

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