
The purpose of the study: carry out an ecological typification of the territory of agricultural land use and model the sustainability of agricultural landscapes by assessing agro-ecological factors. Research methods: general scientific methods were used: observation, description, comparative, historical, modeling. When studying the structure, system analysis was used, analysis and synthesis methods were used to identify agro-ecologically homogeneous areas and territories of the same type, cartographic methods were used to zoning and compile cartographic material, and information analysis was used to model agricultural landscapes. Research results. A study of the agricultural lands of an economic entity with an area of more than 87 km2 showed that it consists of five landscape areas that are universally susceptible to degradation processes. As a result of a comprehensive analysis of agricultural landscapes, factors limiting the productivity of agricultural crops were identified. The agro-ecological assessment of landscapes made it possible to typify agricultural land and zone the territory. For each agro-ecotype of land, a complex of agro-, phyto-, reclamation measures has been developed aimed at increasing the sustainability of agricultural landscapes, as well as land use models that allow predicting the use of land resources for a multi-term perspective. Conclusions. 1. The scientific article presents the results of a study of the agro-ecological state of agricultural land use through agro-ecological typification of land, carried out on the basis of an analysis of limiting factors and conditions affecting the adaptive potential of agricultural plants. 2. It has been established that the agricultural landscapes of the study area are actively used in agricultural production (mainly crop production) and are everywhere subject to degradation processes. It was determined that land use includes five landscape areas that differ significantly in area and morphological characteristics. The ecological classification of lands at the local level (level of an economic entity) is shown, highlighting groups, subgroups, classes, subclasses, genera and subgenera. Limiting agro-ecological factors and conditions inherent in the study area were identified and its zoning was carried out. It was found that the agro-ecological state of the territory (assessed using more than ten indicators) differs significantly among agricultural groups. The assessment of the agro-ecological state made it possible to draw up a unique map-scheme of land agro-ecotypes and develop a set of agro-, phyto-, and reclamation measures aimed at optimizing agricultural land use. Three models of agricultural land use aimed at increasing the sustainability of agricultural landscapes are presented, with calculated forecast characteristics. 3. The results of scientific research can be used in the organization, monitoring, protection of agricultural lands and management of the sustainability of agricultural landscapes at the local level.

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