
The article analyzes different types of anaphoric repetitions in newspaper texts from 2016 to 2018. A variety of types of repetitions has recently attracted the attention of many Ukrainian and foreign researchers. In Ukrainian linguistics, the issue of the typology of the repetition is analyzed ambiguously. This is due to its ability to be implemented at different language levels and to form stylistic figures. The most common type of repetition in modern Ukrainian press is anaphoric. Anaphora in modern linguistics is defined as one of the types of lexical and syntactic repetition, and rarer – lexical, which provides the structural organization of the text. An anaphora is interpreted as a stylistic figure formed by repetitive words, phrases, predicate parts of a complex sentence or sentence in the original unit of the syntactic level. However, from the point of view of functional and semantic loading in the language of the modern Ukrainian press, anaphora is not described enough, as causes an urgency of a theme of research. Article purpose is to investigate various kinds of anaphoric repetition, in terms of their structure and functions. Achievement of the purpose demands the decision of following problems: to identify the typical varieties of lexical and syntactic anaphora, to define its functions and to clarify the role in the semantic and pragmatic load in newspaper texts. Research conclusions: anaphoric repetition is a powerful means of semantic connectivity of the text in modern Ukrainian press. In the analyzed texts a complete anaphoric repetition is the most commonly used, less often – amplifying, paradigmatic and antonymic, and occasionally – expanded and phraseological. We observe the tendency to combine anaphora with syntactic parallelism, which concentrates the attention of the reader on a particular problem. For the most part, the anaphoric repetition in the texts of the periodical press fulfills the declarative and reinforcing functions by which journalists influence the formation of the behavior, views and social consciousness of the readers. Key words: repetition, anaphora, pragmatic stylistic function, amplification, syntactic parallelism.

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