
The knowledge and study of Hadith reached Indian shores right from the times of the rightly guided caliphs. Many companions and the Tabi'un arrived to this land during that time.It was because of these blessed people that the study of hadith flourished on the Indian subcontinent.When Muhammad Bin Qasim conquered India, there were many scholars of hadith and mohaditheen who came along.With the influx of these laureates, the formal movement towards excellence in the sciences of hadith commenced on this land.It was because of this movement that the land of Sindh became a house of the most learned scholars of that time. This includes the great Imams such as Imam Auzai, Imam Abd Bin Humaid, Imam Maqhool Shami and others.The knowledge of wisdom of these scholars not only illuminated the land of Sindh but also became a beacon of light for the whole Muslim ummah. There great works are still read, memorized, consulted with, and transmitted by the Muslims across the globe.These scholars became a source of transmission of the noble ahadith in the Indian subcontinent and prepared many students who spent their lives carrying the noble prophetic message to all corners of the globe. It was because of untiring and selfless efforts of these noble scholars that many great centres for learning and transmission of hadith were establish in Sindh.The most renowned of them are Mansura and Dībal.The extent of transmission and narration of hadith from Dībal was to such a large extent that it was considered a parallel to Baghdad in terms of intellectual achievements that stemmed from here.The scholars of this area made highly significant contribution to the study of hadith and its transmission. In the present articles, we have presented an overview of the some of the major scholars of this era and how this intellectual revolution contributed to the development and strengthening of the sciences of hadith.

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