
The aim of the study. Identify the features of the structure of professional «I-concepti» of military personnel in accordance with the type of their professional identity (TPI).Research methods. Conversation method, testing.Sample description. The study involved 100 military personnel with different TPI.Conclusions. Summarizing, we can state both similar trends and differences in the characteristics of the structural elements of the professional «I-concept», the nature of the relationship between these components.Cognitive component (professional orientation). Among all possible career orientations, military personnel emphasize that work and place of residence must be stable and important for them, a sense of personal safety, both in professional activity and in personal space.Behavioral component (self-efficacy). The components of the cognitive and behavioral components of the professional self-concept are in feedback. But it should be borne in mind that according to the TPI of military personnel are different professional orientations.There is no correlation between the metrics of all three components of the professional self-concept. There is only a link between the components of its cognitive and emotional components.TPI identifies certain differences in all structural elements of the professional self-concept.Cognitive component (professional orientations). There are no «diffuse» and «pseudo-identity» military personnel from the TPI who are seeking a career. Autonomy at work and in its actions dominates among the military personnel with a «pseudo-identity» TPI compared to their counterparts with a premature TPI. The desire to be a leader is a motivating factor for military personnel with a TPI «moratorium» compared to their counterparts with a TPI «pseudo-identity». For military personnel with diffuse TPI, the most important is the desire for stability and safety at work, than for military personnel with TPI «pseudo-identity».Behavioral component (self-efficacy). Only military personnel with a TPI «moratorium» have an adequate assessment of their self-efficacy. All other TPIs have a clear tendency to diminish their capacity for self-efficacy. There is a feedback of professional orientation (cognitive component) and self-efficacy (behavioral component of professional self-concept). However, it should be borne in mind that according to the TPI of military personnel are different professional orientations.Emotional component (self-esteem). Adequacy of understanding and emotional perception of the value of one’s personality is more often manifested in military personnel with premature and diffuse TPI than their counterparts with TPI «pseudo-identity». Military personnel with diffuse TPI are more aware of and emotionally perceived the value of their personality than their counterparts with the TPI «moratorium».The presence of the relationship between the components of the cognitive and emotional component of the professional "I-concept", depending on the military personnel’s TPI is determined both by the different nature and heterogeneity of these components.

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