
The mass spectrometry (MS) has been a mainstay of proteomics and metabolomics research in these days. In a field such as biomarker research, more stringent accuracy and sensitivity on MS are demanded to identify very low abundant proteins in human plasma. It is essentially needed to deplete high abundant proteins from complex human plasma but with the least no specific binding to the target proteins which is a kind of contradictory difficulty. Two dimensional SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2D SDS PAGE) has its limitation in pH range and molecular weight to some extent and is not able to yield high through put in sample preparation. Further more conventional nano electrospray ionization (ESI) technology which is the most appropriate to analyze such low abundant proteins needs frequent adjustment for ionization. The multi dimensional protein identification technology using two dimensional high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) technology followed by HPLC chip MS analysis can substitute 2D SDS PAGE and conventional nano ESI ionization to realize more sensitive, more accurate , ease of use and high through put analysis for proteomics and metabolomics research. And also multi affinity removal system followed by OFFGEL Fractionator make it possible to deplete high abundant proteins from complex human plasma with the least no specific binding to very low abundant target proteins and separate the mixture of such target proteins in prior to applying them to mass spectrometry. Agilent Technologies Inc developed such total analysis system from sample preparation down to biomarker search software.

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