
The sausage products market is characterized as a social market, the capacity of which can serve as a sign of well-being of the country's population. The main factors of influence on the capacity of the analyzed market are indicated. The growth in value of free time and convenience of foodstuffs makes the research of peculiarities of separate sausage products market segments relevant, namely: cooked and sausage meat products; semi-smoked sausages; cooked, semi-dried, dried, raw-smoked (including "salami") sausages; smoked and baked smoked sausage products. Factor of influence on the formation of the capacity of these segments selected indicator of the employed population. The results of the correlation analysis indicate a significant direct influence of the number of employed population on the capacity of the market segment of sausage products and similar meat products: cooked and sausage meat products, semi-smoked sausages, smoked and baked sausage products. However, the results of the analysis revealed a weak relationship between the number of employed population and the capacity of the market segment of cooked, semi-dry, uncooked and raw smoked sausages (including "salami"). This can be explained by the fact that these sausages are consumed by the population with a high level of income, which implements the philosophy of healthy eating, and therefore refuses to consume processed meat products. The use of the point diagram has allowed to determine the development trend of individual segments of the sausage products market during the period of 2005-2020. The conducted regression analysis has allowed choosing adequate linear models for the selected segments of the sausage products market. It has been established that an increase in the number of employed persons by 1% will lead to an increase in the capacity of the market segment of cooked and sausage meat products by 1.11% and an increase in the market segment of smoked and baked sausage products by 3.85%. This value of the elasticity coefficient makes it possible to classify this segment of sausage products as the premium segment. The results of the study can be used by meat processing enterprises for the formation of their own product policy.

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