
The monograph examines the main directions of transformation of the modern world order. The main factors determining the development of these processes, problems and prospects of the formation of a new world order at the beginning of the third decade of the XXI century are determined. Based on the analysis of various modern global political processes, the transformation of the role of the world's leading actors is justified, taking into account the emergence and establishment of new centers of power. A special place is occupied by the analysis of foreign policy concepts and strategic planning documents of the world's leading actors, which determine their interests, goals, as well as the expected nature of activities in the process of transformation of the modern world order.
 The essential features of the Ukrainian crisis are determined as part of global transformational processes aimed at realizing the interests of the United States and its allies, as well as the specifics of modern processes in Ukraine as part of the global conflict of the Western community against Russia in order to inflict maximum damage on it in all spheres of life.
 The author's conclusions and suggestions can be used in the process of developing the implementation of a balanced and verified policy in order to ensure the national security and interests of the Russian Federation in the context of the transformation of the modern world order, in the preparation of textbooks for higher education institutions, for professional training and retraining in the specialties "Political Science", "Conflictology", "International Relations".

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