
The objective: development and deployment of tactics of diagnostics and treatment of dysplasia of mammary glands in combination with hysteromyoma at women of perimenopause age Materials and methods. Complex clinical-laboratory, ehografical and morphological examination 93 women of perimenopause age with the combined pathology – benign dysplasia of mammary glands and hysteromyoma was conducted. Results. Should be noticed efficiency of the complex developed by us that at women with the combined pathology it was succeeded to carry out to 43.4% of cases prophylaxis of advance and a recedives of dysplasia of mammary glands and to 36.7% – hysteromyomas. The obtained data, in our opinion, convincingly testify that complex conservative treatment of the women suffering from illnesses of mammary glands in combination with hysteromyoma, is preventive action concerning advance and recedives of the combined pathology at this category of patients. Conclusion. The results received by us grant to us the right to recommend an offered complex in practical health care. Key words: dysplasia of mammary glands, hysteromyoma, diagnostics, treatment, perimenopause age.

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