
The service of positioning subscribers of a system operating in the ultrasonic range, transmitting information in an information field, defined as a set of received all physical signals existing in a certain area of space, in which real-time data streams contain information about the characteristics of the propagation medium, about interactions and the location of objects, is considered. For testing, the system parameters of the service based on the technology of code separation of channels with direct spectrum expansion, information transmission, the area of space in which testing is carried out, devices for receiving and transmitting ultrasonic signals, equipment and software on which testing is carried out, the principle of correlation reception for measuring navigation parameters is defined, a system of equations is set determination of coordinates by the rangefinder method of navigation measurements and the method of least squares. A block diagram of algorithms implemented on the Virtex5-LX30 FPGA has been developed, the operation of the signal reception and processing stand in the information field and matrix expressions according to which individual nodes of the system algorithms work. The methodology of testing the navigation service is described, according to the results of the experiment, an analysis of the effectiveness of using the information field for navigation of subscribers by the values of deviations, and the factors causing them, of certain coordinates is carried out.

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