
The process of providing art education with consideration of its formal and non-formal features has been analyzed in the article on the basis of the analysis of the artistic heritage of Ukrainian people ancestors while Kyvian Rus’ times. The attention is focused on the fact that the transfer of experience of artistic activities in the field of fine arts, literature, music, choreography and drama was mainly carried out by means of home educationin, as well as private training at princely courts, workshops, art schools. It has been pointed out that such education had purely non-formal features. It has been emphasized that music centres (school of singing, demestyky) acted in Kyvian Rus’from the end of the 10th century; they were supported by the state, therefore, considered to have formal features, as well as book teaching school, monastery schools, literacy schools, women's school where along with Major subjects the basics of various forms of art were taught. The article concluded that there were special institutions for teaching art on the territory of modern Ukraine in the 9th-13th centuries; they functioned in parallel with the non-formal forms of transfer of experience of artistic activities, which indicates the convergence of formal and non-formal features (the latter predominating) of art education. Key words: art education, formal education, non-formal education.

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