
Dozens of cities inUkrainehave thousand years of history, while the other - only a few decades. We know hundreds of villages that preserve Ukrainian traditions and way of life, of which went to the world of thousands of Ukrainian genius. One could argue whose city or village is the best. However, best defines not only their potential - but real deeds and actions. Whether the local government ready for such changes; where are the outposts. A place even without a strong human resource potential or seeking and developing its settlements is better than powerful industrial or tourist centers, which development potential was laid in past centuries or millennia history of their existence. Back in 2012, for the determination of the leaders of communities of cities, towns and villages, the Council of Europe, as part of the ‘Strengthening the institutional capacity of local government inUkraine’ established the ‘Best Practices of Local Government’ competition. This article analyzes the participants and winners of the contest ‘Best Practices of Local Government’ in 2014 and 2015 contest is held annually under the auspices of Ministry of Regional Development of Ukraine according to the methodology of the European Council. Based on the analysis, a rating of leading regions and local authorities on regional and local levels - best practices of a local government was developed. A list of the most active and those with intensive development, regions, districts, cities, towns and villages of our country was devised. The proposed methodology of ranking is unique and used for the first time.

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