
The article presents the results of the history of study of rare plant species in the Vorskla River Basin (the territory of the Poltava, Sumy, Kharkiv regions of Ukraine and Belgorod region of Russian Federation). The five stages of the sozological regional studies are differentiated. The first stage (the end of the XVIIIth century – the end of the XIXth century) is characterized by floral studies of general character during which the first indications of rare plant species in the basin are given. The second (the beginning of the XXth century till the 50th of the XXth century) stage is peculiarised by a geobotanical features: the whole complex of vegetation, its separate types and interconnections with relief, soils are studied, the initial ideas of the protection of rare species and communities are defined. The third stage (the 50s – 80s of the XXth century) is marked by the rapid development of the so-called sozological research and of the accumulation of data on the location of rare species of flora in the studied region. During the fourth stage (1980–2000), ecological-coenotic, sozological, synphytoindicative studies of created and projected objects in the nature reserve fund of Poltava and Sumy regions are carried out, first lists of regionally rare plants are formed. The priority themes of this stage are the development of scientific principles for the conservation of natural ecosystems and the optimization of the nature reserve network of the Poltava region. The fifth stage (since 2000 – till present time) is characterized by out- and synphytosozological researches, population surveys, theoretical and practical projects on the development of regional and national eco-networks. The detailed description of the sozological researches of representatives of various scientifics schools that worked in the region is given.

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