
The purpose of the study was to develop generalized and specific characteristics of the steady state of the highly qualified athletes, who specialize in the standard program of sports dance and boxing. Materials and methods. Twenty sportsmen-dancers and twenty boxers of high qualification took part in the research. Gas analysis. Measurements of О2 consumption reaction, СО2 emissions, minute volume of breathing were carried out using the MetaMax 3B analyzer. Ergometry. Modeling of standard conditions of measurement was carried out on the basis of bicycle ergometer Monark. Standard conditions are associated with the use of a given ergometric load power of 50 W. The composition of Cardiorespiratory Intermittent endurance test included eight accelerated 10-second intervals, eight 20-second rest intervals. The duration of the task is four minutes. Mathematic statistics. Descriptive statistics suggested determining the arithmetic mean – x ̅, standard deviation – S, as well as median – Me, maximum (max) and minimum (min) indices, 25% and 75% indices. Steady state is a period of competitive activity, in the process of which sportsmen demonstrate high level of technical and tactical skills and physical performance. Steady state diagnostics is an essential reserve for managing the functional support of special performance of athletes in sports with variable conditions of competitive activity. Results and discussion. An increase in the response of pulmonary ventilation indicates its role as a response to respiratory compensation of metabolic acidosis. Differences in the breathing response in standard measurement conditions are related to the specificity of the breathing response of athletes-dancers. To some extent, “artificial” management of the breathing response causes a decrease in the intensity of breathing cycles. Empirical knowledge indicates that this refers to the “aesthetic” component of the judges' assessment of the performance of the sports dance program. To some extent, this is related to the specifics of the formation of programs of special physical training, correction of certain structural components of functional maintenance of working capacity, in this case, the respiratory system. Another obvious fact is related to the structure of the load, when the intensity of the work of boxers causes more significant acidemic shifts and, as a result, predicts an increase in the reaction of pulmonary ventilation as a mechanism for removing excess CO2 during work. The increase (maintenance) of the O2 consumption response of athletes-dancers is associated with the formation of excess CO2 within the RER – 1.03–1.05 and excessive pulmonary ventilation in the range of 37.2–39.1. Boxers, respectively, with the formation of excess CO2 within the limits of RER – 1.07–1.09 and excessive pulmonary ventilation in the range of 40.0–44.1. The increase in excess ventilation in the third-fifth of dancers was 4.9%, 9.9% – in boxers, provided that the O2 consumption reaction remained stable. Conclusion. The steady state of the functional support of the special performance of athletes in sports with variable conditions of competitive activity ensures the stable development of cardio-respiratory system and aerobic energy supply in the middle of intense motor activity

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