
The aim of our research was to assess the toxicity of complex phytosorbents based on maklea cordate and chitosan. Evaluation of antimicrobial activity in vitro was carried out according to the General Pharmacopoeia Monograph (the method is described in the Pharmacopoeia (OFS., three types of phytosorption complex were used as the material for the study. Phytosorbents were included in samples 1–3. In addition to sorbents, sample No. 1, oil of oregano and thyme containing carvacrol (with proven antimicrobial activity in previous experi-ments) was added, compound Macleaya cor-data was added to compound No. 2, and chi-tosan was added to compound No. 3-components of samples 1. Нe study of the toxicity of the studied parameters was stud-ied according to the guidelines [5]. The haz-ard class of the studied drugs was deter-mined according to GOST 12.1.007-76. Ac-cording to experiments, drugs can be classi-fied as low-hazard substances. Assessment of acute and subacute toxicity proved the absence of negative effects of both drugs on the body of laboratory ani-mals, at a dose twice and four times the rec-ommended therapeutic, which is 6000 mg / goal. and 12000 mg / goal., Do not cause toxic effects and death of animals. And the introduction of complexes with chitosan and macklea, at a dose of 6000 mg / goal. within 28 days, positively affects the body of labor-atory rats. That allows research to determine the effectiveness, including on productive animals. Factors that determine the relevance of the development of highly effective phytobi-otics and their use in animal husbandry and poultry farming should also include the high profitability of the production of environ-mentally friendly agricultural products and the task of improving the quality of life of the population.

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