
Increasing the level of comfort of underwear for pilots of military aircraft by improving the design and technology for its manufacturing. Methodology. The research was based on the systems approach, analysis and synthesis of information on various designs of underwear for the service personnel, methods for details and knots processing. Design technique with account for underwear usage conditions systematization was applied. Results. Currently the Order No. 370 “On Approval of Samples of the Military Uniform and General Requirements for Insignia for Service Personnel and Students of Military Lyceums” of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine as of July 18, 2017 approved the samples of the between-seasons underwear and underwear for cold weather (thermal underwear) that consists of a shirt and long johns. Resolution No. 278 “On the Uniform for Policemen” of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine as of April 19, 2017 also approved the description and samples of A- and B-type thermal underwear for policemen that consists of the underwear vest and long johns. The specifi cation s for manufacturing of underwear for the service personnel of the Ukrainian Armed Forces made of polyester threads with enhanced capillary action ensuring fast vaporous moisture removal but unable to prevent development of the pathogenic microfl ora and unpleasant body smell in the course of physical activity while perfo rmance of the assigned missions have been prepared. The main drawback of design of the abovementioned samples of the underwear from the perspective of its dynamic conformance to the conditions of usage by fl ight offi cers including the pilots of military aircraft is the straight silhouette shape resulting in redundant volume of cuff s and long johns of the garments. Based on the analysis of various types of the service personnel underwear the design was improved and the technology for manufacturing of underwear for pilots of fi ghting vehicles was off ered. The develope d samples of underwear vest and long johns conform to the applicable requirements for dynamic conformance and comfort. The samples of knit fi bres for manufacturing underwear were made in the knitting laboratory of Kyiv N ational University of Technologies and Design. Yarn based upon the fi re resistant meta-aramid fi bres (the oute r layer) and DEOKIL® - fi bre yarn with antibacterial properties and deodorizing eff ect (the inner layer) were u sed as the raw material for formation of the functional layers. Scientifi c novelty. Ensuring dynamic conformance of underwear for the pilots of military aircraft to its usage conditions.Practical value. New design of functional underwear corresponding to its intended use was developed and its fabrication techniques were off ered.

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