
In the article, the main factors that cause price fluctuations in agricultural products have been considered and theoretical approaches to the impact of price fluctuations on the agricultural market have been analyzed. The need to minimize the effects of price volatility and the regulatory policies of other countries’ experiences for this purpose have been examined. The aim of the study is to to characterize the issue of regulation of price fluctuations in the agricultural market. Research methodology. In the course of the research, both general theoretical methods were used: analysis and synthesis, deduction and induction, generalization of reference and scientific literature, theoretical modeling, methods of grouping and comparison. The research hypothesis. The effects of policies aimed at preventing price fluctuations in the agricultural market or compensating for the effects of these fluctuations in the economies of these countries have been studied. Presentation of the main material. The level of price volatility in the agricultural sector in Azerbaijan and the main factors affecting price volatility in the market have been also considered. The level of price volatility in the market during the seasonal and non-seasonal periods has been analyzed on the example of the potato and onion sector, which is the main food product for our country and has an important share in the consumer basket. Based on the leading research and analysis, recommendations have been made to reduce the negative effects of price volatility in the agricultural market. The originality and practical significance of the study lies in the development of recommendations for improving education in the field of tourism in Azerbaijan. Conclusions of the study. The main decrease in prices of agricultural products in Azerbaijan occurs mainly during the production of fruits and vegetables. In the post-production period, imported products dominate the market. Regulatory policy should focus on both reducing the seasonal losses of producers and reducing dependency on imports in post-production period

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