
The article reveals the methodology for the implementation of practice-oriented activities of students in the study of mathematics at a university. It is noted that at present, it is relevant to introduce pedagogical technologies into the educational process that ensure the achievement of students' personal educational results in the course of specially organized educational and cognitive activities. In this aspect, the work emphasizes that the creation of a practice-oriented educational environment of the university, as a pedagogical condition for the implementation of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, contributes to the introduction of new knowledge into the educational process that is significant for vocational training and the formation of practical experience of their use to solve problems not only in the professional field of activity.
 The relevance of practice-oriented learning lies in a significant increase in the effectiveness of training based on a system of selection of educational material that helps students assess the significance, practical relevance of acquired knowledge and skills.
 The demand for mathematical knowledge is beyond doubt, it is necessary in almost all areas related to the natural sciences, technical and engineering professions, and economics.
 The relevance of practice-oriented teaching of mathematics is increasing in the context of the dominance of the competence-based approach, which combines the intellectual and practical components of learning in education. Mathematics, by virtue of its specificity, the fundamental nature of the content, becomes the basis for the natural-mathematical training of future specialists. It is emphasized that in the digital era, which most vividly reflected the connection of mathematics with natural, technical and many other sciences, as well as growing high-tech processes, automation and robotization of production, it is important to ensure the advanced nature of the mathematical training of students at the university, including the natural sciences. In the context of the stated research topic, the problem field of research is determined, which consists in resolving the contradiction between the need for a scientifically grounded selection of the content of the mathematics course for students, identifying the methodological features of its teaching and the spontaneously developing practice of teaching mathematics to students of the natural sciences.

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