
LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in Chinese; abstract also in English. 能將宏闊的議題以綿密的剖析層層推進到一個深透的結論,是當下中國的哲學研究中罕見的品質。這種閲讀體驗筆者在唐文明教授的工作中屢屢獲得。唐教授在前著《彝倫攸數》當中,將黑格爾的承認理論作為古今中西和解,也即對傳統人倫進行“規範性重構”的可能示範。然而,他的工作並不止步於此。在〈承認理論的創造論回歸〉一文當中,他將思想的縱深進一步帶回到對黑格爾和霍耐特的剖析當中,並為其思想基底置換為“創造論”的。(撮要取自內文首段) This article is a reading of Professor Tang Wenming's article “The Protological Return of Recognition Theory”. The essay begins by dissecting Hegel's theory of recognition and Honnett's softened version of it, revealing the emptiness of its base, which lies fundamentally in the abandonment of the original source of creation. Then, through Augustine's notion of “memory,” it points to the foundational significance of the grace of creation for human relationships, thus returning to the pivotal significance of the “theory of heaven and man” in the Confucian tradition and, by extension, to the way in which the “Tian and man” generate concrete human relationships. This study demonstrates the fundamental significance of the “relationship between Tian and man” in the classical order and expects the modern world to return to this dimension of creationism.

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