
One of the guaranties of justice by competitive trial is determined in art. 34 Criminal Procedural Code the procedure of sending criminal proceeding from one trial to another in connection with don`t fall within the jurisdiction or another legal circumstance which make impossible justice in this trial or can influence on judge`s impartiality and equity and for the purpose of providing for promptness and effectiveness in criminal proceeding. The purpose of article is: to reveal the authority of Criminal Cassation Court as a part of Supreme Court based on analysis of criminal procedural law and practice their using about sending criminal proceeding from one trial to another. For the results of research was concluding that the authority of Criminal Cassation Court as a part of Supreme Court about sending criminal proceeding from one trial to another steam from norm in art. 34 Criminal Procedural Code which provide for grounds and procedure for deciding whether to refer criminal proceedings to another court. If in a court of appeal or in a petition of a party or a victim the circumstances, which cannot be grounds for referring criminal proceedings to another court, are stated, or the request is made for resolving issues beyond its powers, stipulated by art. 34 of the Criminal Procedural Code, the Criminal Cassation Court as a part of Supreme Court refuses to grant the application (petition). Generalized the most common in judicial practice in the Criminal Cassation Court as a part of Supreme Court instances of refusal in satisfied submission (petition) about sending criminal proceeding from one trial to another, in particular if: appellant don`t have the authority; it`s matter of bringing criminal proceeding together and determining jurisdiction; substantiates the existence of circumstances that may be grounds for the removal of judges, but not for the transfer of criminal proceedings in accordance with art. 34 of the Criminal Procedural Code. Installed that Criminal Cassation Court as a part of Supreme Court at proceeding application (petition) about sending criminal proceeding from one trial to another refuses to satisfy them even in case where the issue of jurisdiction of criminal proceeding has already been resolved by the cassation court before, on similar grounds, justifying it in accordance with the requirement of p.5 art. 34 of the Criminal Procedural Code, disputes over jurisdiction between the courts are not allowed. Was figuring out the legal positions Criminal Cassation Court as a part of Supreme Court about limit in view to considering in art. 34 Criminal Procedural Code; questions about sending criminal proceeding from one trial to another which has already been submitted to a certain court, having carried out during the court residence. Having proposed for broad consideration of the matter, having entrusted the court to provide the Criminal Procedural Code with special procedures sending of criminal proceeding from one side to the last in the stage of pre-trial consideration and review of court decisions.

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