
The article is devoted to the consideration of radiocarbon chronology of the post-Neolithic-Eneolithic sites in the basin of Kama-Vyatka interfluve. The term “post-Neolithic” defines the transitional period from the Neolithic to the Eneolithic period. The paper presents 12 new radiocarbon dates. Eight dates belong to the Novoilinskaya post-Neolithic culture. Radiocarbon dates were obtained from the pottery organics. On the results of dating for the Novoilinskaya culture, the time frame was determined from 4300 to 3000 calBC. Several dates on charcoal and organics from pottery obtained earlier were unaccepted. One of the factors for this is the contamination of samples with younger organics. For the Garino Eneolithic culture, two new dates were obtained on organics from pottery. Both results are in good agreement with other dates from the database of this culture. The time frame of the Garino culture was determined to be 3400–1700 calBC. The early and late stages of this culture were established. These stages were identified based on the typology of dwellings, stone inventory and pottery. For the Bor type of sites, two new AMS radiocarbon dates were obtained from the charred food crusts from ceramics. In according to the existing chronology, these dates are older and cannot be accepted for consideration. The chronology of the Bor culture is within 3000–2500 calBC. It is important that there the questions of older radiocarbon dates on the charred food crusts from ceramics. This problem should be resolved both by archaeologists and specialists in radiocarbon analysis

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