
Goal. To evaluate the influence of organic fertilizers of different origins on the number of microorganisms of the main ecological and trophic groups in the soil for the cultivation of hazelnuts in the conditions of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine. Methods. Generalization and analysis of materials of scientific research, microbiological, field, statistical. The results. In the soil of hazelnut plantations, the dynamics of the development of microorganisms of various eco-trophic groups were studied: ammonifiers, nitrifiers, streptomycetes, spore microorganisms, microorganisms that dissolve organic phosphates, microorganisms that dissolve mineral phosphates, nitrogen fixers, oligotrophs. Conclusions. An increase in the number of microorganisms of the main ecological and trophic groups (ammonifiers, nitrifiers, streptomycetes, spore microorganisms, microorganisms that dissolve organic phosphates, microorganisms that dissolve mineral phosphates, nitrogen fixers, oligotrophs) was established due to the introduction of cattle manure and biofertilizers No. 1 and No 2. The parameters of the mineralization – immobilization coefficient (0.02–0.07) indicate the predominance of the processes of synthesis over the destruction of organic matter in all variants of the experiment. The oligotrophic index (indicator of soil availability with easily digestible nutrients) indicates a high availability of nutrients (0.003–0.03). This shows that the use of organic fertilizers of various origins will not disrupt the functional structure of the soil microbial coenosis.

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