
Today, the process of rethinking the content of security activities in the conditions of each enterprise is active. The increase in the share of the digital sector of the national economy provokes the need for digital transformation of enterprises, the results of which, along with the pace of technical updating and the depth of application of digital technologies, are determined by the interest and ability of personnel to move to a new level of interaction in the "man-machine" pair. The study is aimed at considering the theoretical background and developing a motivational mechanism for ensuring the economic security of the enterprise in the conditions of the digital transformation of the enterprise. In order to develop a motivational mechanism for ensuring economic security in the conditions of the digital transformation of the enterprise, the following methods were applied: induction and deduction, comparison and systematization – in the study of the essential characteristics of the term "motivational mechanism"; synthesis and analysis – when defining and characterizing the main stimulation tools, the use of which should ensure the digital transformation of the enterprise and meeting the needs of the workforce; morphological analysis – to clarify the content of the main components of the motivational mechanism for ensuring economic security in the conditions of digital transformation of the enterprise; graphic – for visual representation of theoretical and methodical material; abstract-logical – for theoretical generalizations and research conclusions. Along with the need to counteract the traditional resistance to any changes that occur in each employee, new tasks arise for security subjects, which are related to the selection of incentives that will allow to reconcile the possibility of meeting the needs of the workforce and the need to implement the digital transformation of the enterprise. Digitization of the labor market creates both a number of new opportunities and actualizes the importance of human capital development, the level of which determines the pace of digital transformation of the enterprise, which poses additional tasks for security subjects in terms of motivating employees to acquire new professional and digital skills. The developed motivational mechanism, which provides for setting a goal, specifying tasks, choosing the optimal combination of positive and negative incentives, monitoring and evaluating results, ensures further progress in the development of security science in a previously little-researched field.

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