
Formulation of the problem. Formulation of the problem. In the context of an increased level of uncertainty and variability of the organizational and economic environment, the significance and influence of various kinds of pathologies of a social nature (for example, the COVID-19 pandemic, all kinds of color revolutions, etc.), which have significant negative consequences for the functioning of society and its most important structures, has increased. The purpose of the article is to characterize the set of socio-economic factors in Uzbekistan in the context of pathological challenges and digitalization. The object of the research is the socio-economic processes of the development of the economy of Uzbekistan in the context of pathological challenges and digitalization. The methods used in the research are logical, comparative, analytical, scientific and methodological. The research hypothesis is based on the assumption that there is a dependence of the cost of restoring the ecological balance on the volume of national non-financial production assets. Presentation of the main material. The use of the latest achievements of scientific and technological progress, such as comprehensive digitalization and modeling of the most important factors and trends of social development, can resist the impact of modern negative challenges. The article analyzes and simulates some of the most important parameters of the functioning of the Uzbek economy, the results of which can be used in developing a strategy of actions in priority areas of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The originality and practical significance of the study lies in the fact that the author substantiates the relationship between the diseases of a modern person and unfavorable environmental conditions arising from his own fault. Conclusions of the study. Thus, as a result of the studies, it became obvious that the factors of social development and the socio-economic trends arising as a result of their action can be divided into two large groups: the first should include factors and trends of a negative nature associated with the action of all kinds of social pathologies; the second group, on the contrary, includes positive factors and trends, primarily associated with the progressive influence of scientific and technological progress, including with such an important modern direction as the all-round digitalization of society.

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