
The article presents promising areas for improving the mechanisms of implementation of Ukraine's European integration policy. The success of European integration policy is ensured by a combination of political, institutional, legal, economic, information mechanisms, which highlights the need to develop a comprehensive mechanism, the use of which will provide an organizational, regulatory, coordinating and practical impact of society on society to achieve goals. development of the state in the European integration direction with observance of a number of defining principles, values and standards. It is established that the use of a comprehensive mechanism for the implementation of Ukraine's European integration policy will contribute to: the establishment of strategic priorities, objectives of European integration policy; establishing institutional coherence in the distribution of powers and responsibilities at the state level; avoiding duplication of certain functions during the implementation of European integration policy; ensuring guaranteed stable financing of this industry; increasing the level of consolidation of efforts of citizens and public authorities during the implementation of European integration policy, increasing public confidence in the political actions of the government and support of Ukrainian citizens for European integration of the state, etc.

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