
The article delves into the exploration of the development of the theme of creativity and the por-trayal of the author-artist in the story titled "Blue Snows" by the Nogai writer, Isa Kapaev. It recog-nizes that the writer's creative search is conducted through the lens of the postmodernist concept, drawing from the experiences of conceptualization of this theme in global, Russian, and national literature. Within the body of the author's works, this theme serves as a recurring motif, with the im-age of the artist embodying one of its central aspects. The article showcases this thesis by referenc-ing I. Kapaev's works, which reflect the profound drama encompassing the personal and creative consciousness of the protagonist named Karamov – an alter ego of the writer himself. The destiny of the artist Aidar Karamov, the protagonist in the story "Blue Snows," inter-twines with the life stories of other Karamovs, individuals within the realm of art and the heroes present in I. Kapaev's works during the twilight of the Soviet era as well as the transitional decades between the 20th and 21st centuries. The author's conceptual vision and the means through which it is executed in the story are in-terpreted within the framework of postmodernist aesthetics and poetics, utilizing hermeneutic, se-miotic, and typological approaches. Emphasis is placed on how the evolution and rebirth of the pro-tagonist's consciousness, as described by the author, lend themselves to a profound contemplation of the contemporary challenges faced by art: the quest for the ideal, the significance of maintaining a connection with the cultural soil from which true inspiration springs. Furthermore, the article explores the theme of reverence towards art, the nurturing attitude towards talents, the unwavering dedication to one's calling, and the resistance against the tempta-tions of prioritizing material wealth over the attainment of the ideal through the creative process. As the foundation for analysis, the article draws upon the text of the aforementioned story under scrutiny, as well as other works by I. Kapayev composed in their original language. Transla-tions into Russian were employed as a reference for quotations..

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