
Objective: To analyze marketing strategies and patient attraction instruments in medical organizations of the Russian medical services market. Methods: The analysis of marketing strategies and tools for attracting patients in medical organizations of the Russian medical services market was carried out on the basis of the study presented by EY during a three-step survey of the largest Russian private medical organizations operating in the commercial medicine market in the Russian healthcare system. Results: In the condition of growing competition in the medical service market, a significant factor in attracting and retaining patients is the high level of qualifications of doctors and medical personnel. Another factor is the doctor’s skill in finding contact with the patient, so far as consumers of medical service cannot always assess the quality of received medical aid and therefore very often form their impression of visiting a medical organization based on the communication and participation of the doctor. Conclusions: The analysis of the research results allowed to make conclusions about the development of online advertising on the Internet as an effective marketing instrument for medical service. Keywords: Marketing, healthcare, medical service market, marketing strategy, advertising.

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