
Purpose: to develop a methodology for improving the technical preparedness of athletes during the transition to pankration from another sport. Materials and methods. The following generally accepted methods were used in the work: analysis of scientific and methodological literature and Internet sources, surveys of qualified specialists - trainers in pankration. Results: based on the analysis of scientific and methodological literature and Internet sources, it was found that pankration includes the technique of various types of martial arts (boxing, kickboxing, Thai boxing, freestyle wrestling, sambo, judo), equally combining wrestling and percussion techniques. Today in our country there is a low level of scientific and methodological support of the training process for modern pankration, while the growing popularity of this sport requires further improvement of methods of training. At the same time, today, as a rule, qualified and highly qualified athletes in pankration are formed from athletes who have moved from another type of martial arts and had different levels of training. With the help of a survey of qualified specialists - coaches, the aspects of the preparation of athletes of other sports during the transition to pankration were revealed. The main features in the preparation of athletes of other sports during the transition to pankration are highlighted: the implementation of protective actions to other sports; performing attacking actions, which allows you to get an early victory in a duel; performing counterattacking actions while performing attacking actions in other sports. Conclusions. Pankration includes techniques of various types of combat sports (boxing, kickboxing, Thai boxing, freestyle wrestling, sambo, judo), equally combining wrestling and impact sports techniques. The developed methods provided for the implementation of exercises of various technical orientation (impact sports and wrestling) in two blocks of exercises. The main means of our methodology for athletes with basic sports, wrestling, were: stances, movements, strikes, running exercises, flexibility exercises and breathing exercises. For athletes whose basic sport was shock, the following exercises were proposed: wrestling stance, movements, throws, sweeps, holds, wrestling in the clinch, wrestling on the ground, passes to the legs, painful holds, suffocation. Keywords: pankration, methods, technique, improvement, various types of martial arts

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