
Promising trends in the development and application of information and communication technologies in the field of education actualized the problem of developing information and communication skills of University teachers. The digitalization of the educational environment has ensured the formation of a new type of high school teacher, able to design a personal learning environment, which is a set of interrelated and interdependent components: educational-methodical, material-technical, organizational and axiological. The purpose of the study was to clarify the essence and develop a classification of information and communication skills of a University teacher in the conditions of digitalization of the educational environment. As a result of theoretical study of the scientific and pedagogical literature revealed that the digitalization of the educational environment is currently being implemented in the following areas: transfer of learning materials (lectures, presentations, textbooks, complexes of individual creative tasks, control knowledge) in the electronic environment; designing interactive e-learning environment interaction between teacher and students, providing access to electronic information and educational resources of the University; development of innovative educational resources (electronic textbooks, video lectures, electronic problem books, etc.); organization of innovative forms of obuchenie through the use of electronic resources the educational environment of the University; use in educational activities resources artificial intelligence. We see the essence of the concept of “information and communication skills” as a complex of General user, pedagogical and subject-pedagogical skills that ensure adequate perception, processing and reproduction of information. The developed author’s classification allows us to systematize the information and communication skills of a University teacher in accordance with the leading directions of digitalization of the educational environment. The information and communication skills of a University teacher in the conditions of digitalization of the educational environment include: the ability to use office software to present educational materials and pedagogical work; use Internet resources for educational purposes; use synchronous and asynchronous Internet communication tools; develop electronic textbooks with elements of interactive technologies; carry out the educational process in online and (or) mixed mode; work in online pedagogical communities; work in the format of video conferences; use artificial intelligence technologies for educational purposes. We note that to a large extent, the effectiveness of the development of information and communication skills of a university teacher is ensured by activating the axiological component of the personal educational environment. The paper considers the axiologization of education as a key modern trend in the development of higher education in a rapidly changing world. It is proved that the result of axiologization of education is the development of the value attitude of the university teacher to the profession, stable professionally significant and vital value orientations that determine the achievement of high results in life and in professional activity.

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