
Inclusive education practices are now widespread in the Russian Federation and are aimed at ensuring the rights of everyone to education. One of the conditions for the effectiveness of inclusive education is the creation of an inclusive educational environment that ensures the personal and professional development of all the subjects of educational relations. Based on this, this article aims to provide a theoretical foundation and empirical investigation into the psychological characteristics of an inclusive educational environment. The following research methods were used to implement the goal: theoretical (systematic analysis of scientific and methodological literature on the research problem); empirical (experiment, interview method, method of expert evaluation); methods of primary mathematical statistics. The article covers the conception of the inclusive educational environment, thoroughly describing its constituents. The psychological characteristics of an inclusive educational environment based on the concept of psychological safety of the educational environment: attitude (positive, neutral, negative), satisfaction with interaction with the environment and subjects of educational relations, psychological safety (protection from psychological violence in the educational environment). For the empirical study of the psychological characteristics of an inclusive educational environment, an expert approach was used. The experts were the subjects of educational relations: teachers and parents, bringing up children with disabilities (sample size - 110 persons). Theoretically justified and empirically identified psychological and pedagogical conditions that ensure psychological comfort in an inclusive educational environment: the tolerance of subjects of educational relations, the professional and personal preparedness of teachers to positive interaction, parents’ readiness to build an educational route for a child with disabilities.

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