
Importance. At the current stage of socio-economic development of the country, society’s need for specialists with divergent thinking, which allows thinking innovatively, solving non-standard tasks in conditions of uncertainty and rapid change of situation in different ways is actualized. However, there is a problem associated with the lack of a common theoretical basis and methodological approaches to the study the divergent thinking. It is assumed that it is possible to understand the nature of divergent thinking through philosophical comprehension of its generic concept “thinking”. The aim of the research is to scientifically substantiate the category of "divergent thinking" from the philosophical point of view. Materials and Methods. Achievement of the set goals was carried out on the basis of retrospective analysis of philosophical, literature and scientific publications on the topic of research. Results and Discussion. The main essential characteristics of thinking and thought operations underlying it in general and divergent thinking in particular were determined. The conceptual character of thinking based on judgments, inferences and concepts is defined. It was found out that the regularities of thought processes are conditioned by such thought operations as synthesis, analysis, generalization, classification, abstraction and others. At the same time, the heuristic nature of cognitive process is provided by means of intuitive insight. It is concluded that the foundation of the phenomenon under study is the dialectical nature of thinking aimed at research and resolution of contradictions. Conclusion. The field of application of the obtained results is the definition of the essence of divergent thinking of university students, research of the problem of its formation and further development.

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