
The aim of the study is to evaluate the technical and economic efficiency of a robotic complex designedto eliminate man-made emergencies associated with the need to eliminate fires. These emergenciescan occur, first of all, in radiation and chemical accidents, as well as in accidents at fire and explosionhazardous facilities. The elimination of such emergencies, as a rule, is associated with an increased riskfor firefighters and rescuers and requires the use of heavy equipment. It is proposed to develop and use arobotic complex for multi-mode fire extinguishing (RTK-PM) in the following composition; six specializedrobotic means with the possibility of crew and remote control, including: barriers (RTS-RZ), fire (RTS-P),high-rise (RTS-VS), sleeve (RTS-RK), pumping (RTS-NS) and gas stations (RTS-ZV); mobile controlpoint; supply machines. At the same time, the actual problem is the development of approaches to assessing the technical and economic efficiency of robotic tools and complexes used to eliminate emergencysituations. A technique for conducting such studies is proposed on the basis of a two-level quantitativequalitativecomparative assessment in terms of technical and economic efficiency of the task. To assessthe technical efficiency, it is proposed to consider the deployment time, the time to extinguish the fire, thetime to complete the task, the amount of fire extinguishing agents as the main indicators. As criteria fortechnical efficiency, it is proposed to evaluate the coefficient of efficiency of the task, the coefficient ofdeployment mobility; coefficient of fire extinguishing efficiency; the degree of efficiency of RTCrobotization. Qualitative comparison consists in identifying the types of work available to one of the comparedcomplexes and inaccessible to another. The evaluation of the economic efficiency of the RTK iscarried out by the value of the annual economic effect from the production and use of a unit of the complex.Like the assessment of technical efficiency, the assessment under consideration is also comparative -it shows an advantage (or disadvantage) over the replaced (basic) complex. Also presented are the resultsof applying this technique when calculating the effectiveness of a promising robotic complex for multimodefire extinguishing, which show that the use of one robotic complex for multi-mode fire extinguishingwill provide an economic effect in the amount of 1.39 million rubles. in year.

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