
Abstract. The article deals with the conditions of sustainable development of agriculture from such positions as sustainable economic development, sustainable environmental development, sustainable social development. The ecological and economic system in the context of sustainable development is presented as a concept of social value, namely as supporting services. Specified criteria and characteristics of AIC as the inelasticity of product demand, low mobility of resources, the monopoly of wholesalers and processors. The author's approach to the formation of the main types of financial situation typical for agricultural organizations is presented. Such categories as absolutely stable financial situation, normally stable financial situation, unstable financial situation are substantiated. The algorithm of financial recovery of insolvent agricultural producers is presented in stages. As an indicator of the effectiveness of the use of resources proposed: the increase in sales revenue per employee, indicator revenue growth by 100 rubles fixed assets. It is proposed to calculate the effective development of the agricultural sector of the Russian economy and the level of sustainable development by the indicator of Biesot. Attention is focused on the modernization of the Institute of intellectual property in the agricultural sector of Russia. The objects of the financial strategy are identified and justified: revenues and revenues; Expenses and deductions; relations with the budget. The final results of agribusiness activities are evaluated primarily on the contribution to the food security of the region and the country as a whole. At the same time, the main factors are production, economic and natural. The results of the activities of the peasant farm of the Turinskiy district are presented. The amount of debt obligations per unit of revenue and the amount of budget subsidies in comparison with tax payments are established.

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