
The study of various processes and phenomena from the point of view of a systematic approach allows not only identifying relations and points of growth, but also developing measures aimed at the formation and realization of their potential. The observed processes of digital transformation are also reflected in the service system. The presence of a rather fragmentary theoretical basis of the digital services system and the lack of scientific works on the synergy of the digital services system make it necessary to study these issues and develop theoretical provisions. The aim of this study is to identify the synergetic effects of the digital services system. According to the results of the study, the author proposes a category “synergy of the digital services system”, which is based on the idea that this is a cumulative effect obtained during the interaction of elements of the digital services system; supplements the directions of evaluating the synergetic effect of the digital services system; and suggests digital efficiency, which is expressed in the optimal use of digital infrastructure and the availability of an appropriate level of digital skills formation of all participants in the digital services system; presents the characteristics of the key aspects of the synergetic approach to the digital services syste, namely, non-linearity and multivariance, openness, the ability to self-organize, disequilibrium and dissipativity; identifies the synergetic effects of the digital services system (transparency, process control, integration as a whole, as well as horizontal, vertical and intersectoral integration, resource savings due to economies of scale, intra-product synergy, development of the digital space and digital marketing communications, GDP growth and an increase in the digital market share in it, personnel transformation, expansion of the types of services provided in the digital space, increasing the availability of services); and formulates the main directions of synergetic development of the digital services system. The author adheres to the point of view that further synergetic development of the digital services system is possible both evolutionarily and revolutionarily. In particular, the strengthening of global challenges and the emergence of non-standard situations at the national or global levels can become catalysts for the accelerated development of the digital services system. In turn, changes in the system itself can be of an intensive or extensive nature. Thus, extensive changes are associated with the growth of the number of participants in the digital services system and the emergence of new markets. The intensive development of the system is due to qualitative transformations, namely, the withdrawal of noncompetitive companies from the market, as well as the unification of several players in the market in order to ensure a certain level of power in the market.

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