
Modern technical advances in digital pedagogy today offer qualitatively new opportunities for organizing and presenting educational material in the context of distance learning. The purpose of the study is to provide a methodological substantiation of one of the new ways of organizing a digital educational Internet resource on Russian as a foreign language “Russian language. Beginning” in the form of a training longread. The features of an educational longread are stated, the main media elements, specificity, content and means of creation are determined, on the basis of which the definition of an educational longread is formulated. The educational longread is considered through the prism of the process of teaching Russian as a foreign language (RFL) at the initial stage using the capabilities of digital technologies, methods of designing educational materials, creolization of texts, methodological role in the educational process, structure and interaction with third-party linguodidactic resources. On the example of the digital educational Internet resource “Russian language. Beginning ”in the work, methods of solving linguodidactic problems of an introductory phonetic course by means of an educational longread are presented. It is concluded that educational longread as a way of organizing educational materials in a digital educational environment (DEE), due to its properties, is one of the potentially effective linguodidactic tools for distance learning.

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