
The innovative potential of Ukraine was evaluated in the context of world ratings, in particular according to the Global Innovation Index, the Bloomberg Innovation Index and the Summary Innovation Index. The place of Ukraine among other countries of the world in terms of the level of innovative development has been determined. In the Global Innovation Index in 2021, Ukraine was in 49th place, in the Bloomberg Innovation Index – in 58th place, in the Innovation Index of the Summary Innovation Index – in 34th place. According to the results of the ratings, such countries as Switzerland, USA, Sweden, South Korea, Great Britain, Finland, and Germany occupy the leading positions. The position of Ukraine in international rankings before the full-scale invasion of Russia on the territory of Ukraine indicates a rather unstable competitive position and the absence of an active policy in support of innovative activities and lack of effective mechanisms for introducing innovations and further commercialization. And the war only deepened and exacerbated the existing problems and significantly worsened the image of our state on the international arena in the context of its innovative development. In such difficult conditions, it is already important to use the best world experience and practices of the European Union in the formation of state policy regarding the development of innovations, including finding ways to increase financial support for innovative development from the state. The implementation of effective state regulation through the mechanisms of stimulating and supporting innovations, as the main driving force for increasing competitiveness, establishing cooperation between the state, society and business, creating a favorable institutional environment for the development of science, scientific developments and research should be a priority vector of Ukraine despite all the difficulties associated with war. The creation of human resources support mechanisms, in which Ukrainian scientists could implement their innovative ideas and developments in Ukraine, and not abroad, will also contribute to the increase of innovation potential.

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