
Abstract: In this paper, we proposed a method for vehicle monitoring with trajectory reconstruction. For safety, it is important to monitor the driving habit of driver. Every year, many accidents occur due to the reckless driving of the driver. Continuous monitoring of the status of commercial vehicles is needed for safety through the entire path from start point to the destination. To monitor the reckless driving, we try to monitor the trajectory of the vehicle by using vehicle's lateral acceleration data. Compared with steering angle and lateral acceleration, these resemble each other. So, we find the relationship of steering angle and acceleration, and find the global direction of vehicle. We find the position of non-GPS section with EKF (External Kalman Filter) and reconstruct the whole trajectory during vehicle driving. Keywords: maneuver, steering angle, trajectory reconstruction, external kalman filter Copyright© ICROS 2012 I. 서론2011 897271.    ( !, #$%, & ')(120968)*+ 13.5%,([6].   -./012 3456789:; )?. @-ABCDE89 FG. H( IJKLMN 0O=PQRSBT=U8V7WXY)Z, &[\C] @^7BTCD89:456.0O73. _`National Hightway Traffic Safety Administration a*+75%b 7&*cd(efgh[5].   ijB ) gk3 l>[B)m7%=&[:Z  gn(oX\2E&[: . k3 789:p8T(qrstuvG, oX7%UwT(x-yz/{|B0O=>)FG. oX}m7%&[k3'&* , ~, €':7%‚ƒ„ †bg‡G, 

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