
Due to the challenges of the present day and the necessity to improve the combat and service activities of the National Guard of Ukraine, the continuous improvement and elaboration of guidelines for the organization of the Public Order Protection Service is ongoing. The validity of the previous guidance documents concerning the public order protection service was canceled due to changes in legislation. To develop the methodology, were used specific statements of the regulations that regulated the service organization for the protection of public order in the Interior Troops of Ukraine, as well as lessons learned and summarizing service results in military units and operative territorial task forces of the National Guard of Ukraine. The Methodology of Evaluation of the Publicorder Protection Service Performance intended to identify ways to increase efficiency in key areas of service in the field of public order and public security, to improve necessary service conditions of personnel, to maintain a suitable level of command and control quality, as well as of planning public order protection service and combat activities, to improve the image of the National Guard of Ukraine. The peculiarity of the developed Methodology, unlike the previous ones, is in its multidimensional nature, that is not only assessment of patrol tasks is counted, but also specific tasks in the field of public order and public security using of the set of specific indicators. In addition, to meet the modern requirements the Methodology includes an sociological evaluation of the public order and public security tasks performing as one of the main directions for evaluation.

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