
The purpose of the article is to highlight the issue of the social component of production in the context of the evolution of financial and economic relations. The research methods are historical analysis, synthesis, chronology, analogy. Manufacturing is an integral part of human civilization. It arose in the early stages of the development of social formations and accompanies the progress of civilization to this day. But it is not possible without the appropriate financial and economic relations accompanying and supporting them. It is always necessary to compare the presence of financial and economic relations with production, carrying out a retrospective analysis of the cause with the determination of the appropriate time period for their occurrence. The beginning of such activity should be correlated with the period of the formation of simple commodity production, due to the development of human needs. As the productive forces of society developed, new human needs also appeared, which became the reasons for the complication of cooperation ties between economic entities and the expansion of their production capabilities. The effect became the cause, and the cause became the effect. Financial and economic relations developed in parallel with needs and production, which acted as a source of their implementation. The needs of society expanded significantly, dividing it into producers and consumers since the formation of simple commodity production. Their economic interests are significantly different, although any manufacturer is a consumer of goods of someone else's production now. The modern world is characterized by a variety of production and economic relations with the dominance of developed commodity production, although in some areas there is still natural and simple commodity production, which historically passed one into another, supplementing and expanding the previous one, with the subsequent evolution of financial and economic relations as a tool for ensuring the exchange of goods along development of human needs.

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