
The article proposes an improved method for determining random radio signals that can be signals of illegan means of obtaining information. The novelty of the method is to determine the deviation of the main parameters of the signals from the specified parameters. The method combines methods for determining the deviation of the amplitude from the amplitude of signals of means legally operating in this radio range and a method for determining the phases of random signals. The signals of the means of illegal obtaining information are determined by the standard deviation (variance) of the amplitudes and phases of the signals. To determine the means of illegal obtaining information, it is proposed in the first stage to determine the deviation of the amplitude from the amplitude of the signals of legally operating devices or from the amplitude of the signals of the file "sample", in the second stage to determine the deviation of signal phases. Thus, the two parameters of the deviation of the amplitude and phase can with high probability determine the signals of the means of covert receipt of information. By measuring the signal parameters of legally operating devices and using these parameters as parameters of the "sample" file, the probability of determining random signals is significantly increased. This is achieved by significantly reducing the time by excluding known signals from the additional software analysis of a given radio range. To confirm the proposed improved method, modeling of the method of determining the deviation of the amplitude and the method of determining the phases of random signals, which are possible and are signals of the means of illegal obtaing information. The obtained graphic materials, which fully confirm the possibility of determining the signal the means of illegal obtaing of information by the proposed method

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