
Introduction.This article discusses the essence of compositions. The concept of automated management system of material and information flows is described. The main components of «smart» composition are identified. Its technological and technical aspects are analyzed. The advantages of the introduction of «smart» warehouse systems in the field of warehousing logistics are investigated.Problem Statement. Every year in Ukraine more than 30 million tons of goods are sold, and if we take into account that on the way the goods undergo up to 15–20 transshipments ― this figure exceeds 300 million tons. The range of goods sold in the service sector reaches 400 thousand items, and taking into account the types and varieties ― more than 1 million. This huge mass of goods before entering the trading floor is accepted, unloaded, assembled, prepared for sale, and so on. Execution of these logistic operations, improvement of all logistic process is impossible without existence of the corresponding warehouse network. To date, warehousing can not remain in this state, it has exhausted the reserves of improving the efficiency of its work. It is necessary to solve the problem of further development of warehousing at a qualitatively new level of organization and technical equipment.Purpose.Analyze the feasibility of implementing systems of smart warehouses to improve the efficiency of the logistics system.Materials and Methods.Much attention is paid to the question of the effective functioning of warehouses by domestic and foreign scientists such as Stoke J. R., Lambert D. M., Oklander M. A., Krykavsky E. V., Nikolaychuk P. V. and others. The lack of research in the field of implementation of smart warehouses and the need to determine the impact of new factors on the logistics process in the warehouse determines the relevance of the article.Results.After analyzing the technological and technical aspects used in «smart» warehouses, their characteristics were given, the advantages and disadvantages were indicated. Active development of information systems, new communications allow to change conditions of interaction of the enterprise with consumers. The modern warehouse complex, which has advanced technologies, allows to solve many problems related to the circulation of inventory.Conclusions. Properly organized warehouse allows you to optimize the costs of the logistics system, and the processes associated with the operation of warehouses, ultimately a significant component of total costs. Therefore, the introduction of a system of «reasonable» composition is appropriate.Keywords:warehouse, smart warehouse, logistics, warehouse management system, internet of things, information service, pick-to-light system, stock.

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