
The problem of the negation influence on the choice of mood has not received enough attention in Spanish studies. An overview of theoretical works in the field of generative grammar where researchers touch upon the issues of verb semantics, pragmatic nature of the sentence, the use of elements of negative polarity, the aspects of the theory of negation shift brings to the impossibility to consider this problem exclusively within the framework of structural analysis. Most problems raised within the framework of generative research remain unresolved and require further research. The analysis of the material enabled to draw several conclusions. First, negation syntactic shift does not impact the mood choice; being pragmatically determined, it introduces additional connotations into the original sentence. Second, the phenomenon of grammatical negation shift can not be explained by the term of negative polarity and is independent of their use. Pronomination phenomenon is not a factor influencing the choice of the mood, since there is a possibility of using both the subjunctive and the indicative mood within the same sentence in terms of its syntax and lexical composition (excluding the subordinate clause, which is replaced by a pronoun)...

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