
The article examines the concept, structure and components of organizational culture, identifies the specific features of its formation in public authorities. The approaches to the definition of concepts on the research topic are analyzed. It has been substantiated that organizational culture, as a dynamic formation, contributes to the achievement of strategic goals. It has been determined that the features of organizational culture are inherent in both structural and methodological aspects, and determine its administrative and legal specifics. The authors believe that the introduction of foreign management methods in domestic public authorities requires taking into account national traditions and mentality. Two main tasks of organizational culture have been identified: external integration of the organization and internal tolerant adaptation of employees. The features of all components of the organizational culture have been determined: legal; political; information and communication; moral, ethical and management culture. It is provided a specific concept of «management activities» in the field of public administration, which is seen as intellectual in nature, and is aimed at the development, adoption and practical implementation of specific management decisions. It is emphasized that in the relevant segments of the management system, which have a decisive influence on the life of society, its employees bear special loads and responsibilities. This leads to the fact that their organizational culture has a double meaning: it is aimed at organizing public life and at organizing professionally perfect and state-mature activities of the government apparatus. Of course, the leadership style of a particular organization is also important. It assumes the presence of disciplined employees who clearly follow the orders of their superiors.

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