
Musical culture plays an important role in the formation and development of the individual and is conceived as a space of dialogue, a space of spirituality. The media image of real reality formed in the media arises on the basis of the collectively developed semantic field of the presented information, which fixes the values of the perceiving audience in the process of their actualization. The mechanism of valuable media space functioning is available to relevant persons with their understanding of the cultural, political, social situation that recognizes the majority of the audience, individual vision of the leader (real or imaginary) elevated to the rank of Zeitgeist. The semblance of reality, a simulacrum is born when a real event in the consumer's mind is not comparable in scale to how it is presented in the media: complex life problems are simplified, overgrown with an imaginary value context, and the insolubility of contradictions is removed, offered in the form of a ready-made answer in an accessible package, thereby real reality is mythologized. An important place in the media space is occupied by modern musical discourse, which performs an informational and evaluative function based on the use of certain language means in music reviews, digests, essays, creative portraits of musicians, art chronicles, reports, music programs, documentary audio and video films, etc. Musical discourse in the modern media space is presented in three categories: professional, profane and mixed. The phenomena occurring in the modern media space, such as the growth of fan culture, the abundance of blogs, bloggers, etc., indicate the predominance of non-professional content over professional, the expansion of which requires solving new ethical, philosophical, educational and upbringing problems. Music programs broadcast by the Kultura channel: «Absolute Hearing» (presenter – Gennady Yanin, «Not dull Classics» (presenter – Sati Spivakova) etc., restore thesocial significance of art on the basis of respect for the creators and their work, revive the educational principles of domestic music-critical journalism, perform an important function of «service to music».

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