
Introduction. There is the difficult inner development in modern social and cultural environment; among its determinants are emotional factors. Because of such situation the learning of peculiarities of self-conception and understanding of people around, self and emotional control in interpersonal communication are especially important. There is no unique opinion about the functions, context and structure of psychological culture as the integrative property of personality. Generally the significance of the ability of understanding and control the personal emotions and the emotions of other people is still uninterpreted. The purpose of the article is theoretically explain the phenomenon of empathy as one of the components of psychological culture of cadets that influences greatly on the personality of future specialist in stress professional conditions. Methods. To achieve this goal, the a complex of interrelated research methods was used. The choice of these methods was caused by the content of the raised problem: theoretical – analysis, synthesis, systematization and generalization of the data from literary sources on the problem of empathy of cadet.The article contains the analysis of theoretical ideas of researches in the sphere of psychological culture, emotional co-operation, connection of behavior strategies and empathy. The definition of psychological culture is noticed as the combination of developed structural methods of self-control of actions and emotions, personal growth of specialist in profession. The theoretical approaches to the analysis of the noted definition are generalized; that allows to understand the essence of mechanism of forming the cadets psychological culture. Originality. The scientific novelty of the article is that the essence of the notion “empathy” of the cadet and its characteristics are determined. Modern research directions of specialists emotional orientation are defined, the basis of which are empathy and close connection between cognitive and sensitive in mind. Conclusion. The phenomenon of empathy of cadets is explained as the ability to appreciate the emotional state of other people, as the quality of personality which specifies the demand to help others. The article contains the results of empirical study of the level of empathy development of cadets, quantitative indexes of connection of empathy, emotionally cognitive properties of personality and his/her psychological culture. The list of approved psychological and pedagogical conditions which help to form the psychological culture and emotional compound of cadet personality during the educational process is presented.

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