
Objective of the study is to identify the level of development of volunteer activity in the Rostov region and the main barriers preventing the in­clusion of residents of the region in volunteer activities. The methodological basis of the research con­sists of the principles and provisions of the theo­ry of structuration by E. Giddens, within which volunteerism can be considered as a significant institution of civil society, the functioning of which is based on the principles of integrity and organic solidarity. Research results. The article presents an anal­ysis of trends in the development of volunteer­ing in the Rostov region, and also identified the main barriers preventing the inclusion of residents of the region in volunteer activities: financial, organizational, substantive, commu­nication, ideological difficulties. The author as­sumes the presence of socio-cultural prerequi­sites for the development of informal, having a “grassroots” nature, volunteering in the Rostov region. The author also emphasizes the need to coordinate the normative goals and objectives  of volunteer activity with the real needs and ex­pectations of the population of the region as the main recipient of volunteer assistance.   Prospects of the study are related to further study of the main trends in the development of volunteer activity in the Rostov region, taking into account the identified barriers.  

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